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Why Does Shea Butter Sometimes Have a Grainy Texture?

We all come to love the smooth silky feel of Soielle Shea Butter. Especially when you start applying it to your skin; and it begins to melt from the warmth of your body. However, you realize that the texture you fell in love with feels like grainy sand. Or worst, sand paper! Making it down right unbearable to rub it on your skin. What happened?! Did Soielle sell you a bad batch of shea butter? This problem frequently occurs in the summer months when the Soielle Shea Butter is at risk of melting. However, this also can occur in the winter if the shea butter is placed by a heating unit in transit.

When the texture of your Soielle Shea Butter has become grainy is because the shea butter melted at some point and then re-hardened very slowly. The properties separate causing the grainy texture that you may be experiencing.  

Can this grainy shea butter be fixed? Yes, and it doesn’t require much effort to get back the silky smooth texture that we love. All you have to do is melt the butter and let it re-harden quickly in a freezer. Voila! Your Soielle Shea Butter is back to feeling amazing on your skin.

Try our premium Grade A Unrefined Shea Butter now!